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Linear bearing with integrated measuring system


Measure systems from Schneeberger

Our Measure systems are digital or analogue, with rollers or balls. 

  • Integrated AMSABS 3L absolute distance measuring system for long axes
  • Integrated measuring system absolut with rollers typ AMSABS 3 B
  • Integrated measuring system absolut with balls typ AMSABS 4 B
  • Incrementell with balls type AMSD 4 B / digital
  • Incrementell with balls type AMSA 4 B / analog
  • Incrementell with rollers type AMSD 3 B / digital
  • Incrementell with rollers type AMSA 3 B / analog
  • Incrementell with balls type MINISLIDE MSQ / analog or digital
  • Incrementell with balls type MINISCALE PLUS / analog or digital
  • Absolute measuring system SAM


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